Tours to Karelia

Karelia is situated in the Northwest of the Russian Federation stretching between the basins of the Baltic and the Barents seas. It occupies the territory of 180 500 sq. km with a total population of 690 000 people. The capital of the Republic is the city of Petrozavodsk.

Karelia is often called ”the lungs of Europe“. It is a spectacular land of virgin boreal forests hiding peculiar flora and fauna and breathtaking landscapes formed by incalculable quantity of pure lakes and rivers rich in valuable kinds of fish, rocks and high hills. Karelia's wealth is about 27 000 rivers and 60 000 lakes including the two largest lakes of Europe - Lake Ladoga and Lake Onego.

Along with scenic landscapes, fresh air and intact nature Karelia possesses great cultural and historical heritage. The most ancient monuments of human culture and masterpieces of wooden and stone architecture, which have been existed in full harmony with unparalleled beauty of the surrounding nature, attract tourists in thousands and make them the subjects of great cultural value for the whole world.

Сплав и домашние вулканы (111)

Rafting & Home Volcanoes (111)

Откройте для себя подводный мир Камчатки (118)

Trace the contrasts of Kamchatka's nature (117)

Tracking around Kluchevskoy park

Fish Tour with comfort accomodation at river Itcha

Caves of volcano Tolbachic

Sea cruise along Avachinskaya bay and way out to the Pacific ocean to Island Starichkov

View of bears on the Kurile Lake with the additional excursions (3 days/2 nights)

Climbing volcano Mutnovsky (1 day)

Climbing volcano Gorely (1 day) 

Rafting along Bystraya river (1 day)

Треккинг по Ключевскому парку.

Автомобильно-пешеходный тур (8 дней / 7 ночей)

Рыболовный тур с комфортным проживанием на реке Ича

Автомобильно-пешеходный тур "Пещеры Вулкана Толбачик"

Морской круиз по Авачинской бухте с выходом в Тихий океан к о. Старичков

Наблюдение за медведями на Курильском озере (3 дня/2 ночи)

Восхождение на Вулкан Мутновский (1 день)

Восхождение на вулкан Горелый (1 день)

Сплав по реке Быстрой (1 день)

Wonders of the White Sea

Solovki Grand Tour

Silver Ring of Karelia

Karelian weekend