


Opened in 1993, the Podvorye ( «Coach House» ) restaurant has since become known as «Russia´s most authentic Russian restaurant». In addition to having its own regular clientele, it has established a reputation in Saint Petersburg and far beyond.

Restaurants at travel destinations worldwide may as a rule be divided into those patronized by tourists and those favored by connoisseurs of fine cooking. Podvorye is remarkable for being equally esteemed by travelers as well as local residents. Intellectuals and aristocrats from various countries, actors, sports figures, politicians – and all those who appreciate the art of good eating and love genuine Russian cuisine– thoroughly enjoy their visits to Podvorye.

The Podvorye Restaurant stands for traditional Russian cuisine. A bear greets the guests with a glass of vodka; our menu opens to a variety of meat and fish courses, game felled in the hunting fields, classic Russian soups and an assortment of pickles. True to Russian tradition, our helpings are served generously; while a full panoply of vodkas are served - from Birch-bud to Horse-radish or Cranberry to name but a few - all made specially for Podvorye on site at Verkhniye Mandrogi, Leningrad Region.

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